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Who Is Billy Womack?

Want to do it right the first time? Learn how to position yourself in the most powerful positions in the blockchain industry from a top tier mentor.

Who am I? A better question would be,

Who was I eight years ago?

Eight years ago, I was sitting right where you might be today.
I had reached a level of success, but the pathway to build real wealth in a way that could provide the kind of freedom, that I was looking for, was still out there.

I wanted to find a way that had the potential to grow without limitations, to be truly world changing, recession proof, and unlikely to be phased out.
I had gigantic goals… and back then I wasn’t even sure where to look.

This is the part where, “Who is Billy Womack” is important.
My come up story could fill volumes – and it actually will be out as an Amazon Prime documentary this fall.

I didn’t come from money.
I didn’t have any special advantage that led to my success.
What I did have was the internal drive and motivation to keep searching for answers, because I knew from experience that anything is attainable if you refuse to give up.

And that’s where my journey into digital currency and blockchain technology began.


Where There Is A Will

It started with that first Google search. I knew absolutely nothing about blockchain technology, but I was curious to find out if some of the most successful companies in the world were already on board, so I searched:

  • Blockchain Mercedes
  • Blockchain Walmart
  • Blockchain FedEx

They were all talking about or already using blockchain technology.
Each search solidified the fact that I needed to learn as much as I could as quickly as possible, because all the major corporations were already on board.
Even with my limited knowledge of blockchain technology at the time, it was obvious there was a huge opportunity within an emerging market.


The Power of Mentorship & Positioning Yourself For Success

If you’re going to go after something that you have minimal understanding of, you have to go in with the mindset of becoming the absolute authority on it. You can only accomplish that goal by positioning yourself among people who’ve already arrived where you want to be.
They’ve already walked the path and can help you avoid critical mistakes.

I knew how to do this. I had risen to the top of every business I’ve ever been a part of through the power of mentorship.

My initiation into crypto wasn’t easy. I had my sights set on being mentored by one of the leaders in the industry, and offered to prove my value to his company if he would agree to meet with me.

He gave me a sales quota.
If I met it, he would fly me to Iceland to meet him and we’d talk business.

“Your quota is $50k in sales.”
“What am I selling?”
“What are those?”
“Figure it out.”

This just shows you how much I didn’t know —but it was my opportunity to immerse myself in the industry, so I took his advice and I “figured it out”.

Did I meet the quota?
I actually beat it by $300,000, but that’s another story.


Helping You Succeed

I worked my way through two companies and two mentors over the past eight years. I positioned myself to gain all the knowledge I needed while cultivating strong relationships with the world’s top innovators and leaders in the blockchain space.

My journey led me to connect with people like Erik Schiermeyer, creator of Myspace, who I helped launch Gala Games. This is where my dream to create Blockchain with a Purpose really ignited and was able to take form.

Players were able to earn crypto and own NFTs in the process of playing the games. This digital reward system can be translated to any industry.
Do you see where this can potentially go?

Coming full circle, nothing is more fulfilling to me than to take what I’ve learned over the years and offer it to my clients and family. Instead of building wealth through crypto, which is subject to fluctuations in the market, the real payoff for the clients I work with today is in the software nodes needed to run and very transactions on the blockchain. In return once the software node verifies the transactions on the blockchain the node owner receives compensation for these transactions in the form of digital rewards.

That need for software nodes remains constant, which reduces the risk of dramatic losses.


Where Do We Go From Here?

As an independent consultant, I regularly work with over 17 different blockchains, helping them launch new ideas while providing consulting on the business and marketing end.

The entire industry is moving into a Blockchain with a Purpose mindset, providing digital rewards and earning potential across a wide spectrum of opportunities.
My goal, and the goal of my entire team, is to bridge the knowledge gap and bring as many people as possible into true financial freedom.

This is the path I had been looking for, and now that I’ve put in the work and mastered the blockchain space, I want to help you succeed.

3% of the world knows what blockchain is.
1% of the world is actively participating in it.
Less than 1/4 of 1% have ever heard of a software node.

This is why choosing THE RIGHT MENTOR is critical.

What are you waiting for?

Book a FREE one-on-one call.

© 2025 Billy Womack.